Sutton V.A. Primary School

Sutton Lower School

Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School Life at Sutton V.A. Primary School


School Meals and Milk


Our school meals are provided by Innovate Services. The meals are prepared by Innovate at Sandy Secondary School. 

You can pay for and select your child's meal for the week, half term or the full term via this link. Further guidance on how to place your orders can be found here.

Our school meals are free for Foundation and KS1 pupils. School meals cost £2.60 per day for KS2 pupils.

You can find out more about Innovate Services here.



If you think your child is eligible for free school meals, please follow this link for information on how to apply.


You can register your child for Free and Subsidised Milk. For children under 5 years of age, milk is free and will be given to your child each day. When your child is 5 you will need to register them with Cool Milk and the cost is approximately 20 pence per day for a ¼ pint carton. Payment is easy and straightforward, via ParentPay.

The easiest way to register your child is to telephone Cool Milk on 0800 142 2972, or you can email Cool Milk on, or visit their website at

Milk is subsidised by the European Union under the European school milk scheme. Milk for children aged under 5 is also funded by the Department of Health.



The school provides a piece of fruit or raw vegetables for Reception, Years 1 & 2 children each day, free of charge, under the Government “Heathy Schools” scheme.

Children in Key Stage 2 (Years 3 – 4) may bring in a snack for morning break. This must be a healthy snack, ie. Fruit, raw vegetables, cereal bar – but we ask that you please respect our “No Nuts” policy.


Healthy Eating

The NHS have produced a leaflet suggesting ways to encourage children to eat less sugar. 

Click here to view the leaflet