RE, Collective Worship and SIAMS in a Church School
Sutton VA Primary is a Voluntary Aided Church of England School.
Our Vision to Shine as Lights in the World (Philippians 2:15) and our School Christian Values, underpin everything that we do. We are an inclusive school, where everyone has a valuable contribution to make to our school community – we recognise that for many of our families faith is important, whilst other may have none.
As a Church School within the diocese of St Albans, we benefit from access to the support of advisors and resources that include expertise in all areas of School Management, Standards, Religious Education and Collective Worship. It is our aim that each pupil will have visited St Albans Cathedral either for Christian Worship or for an educational visit during their time at Sutton Primary School.
We have strong links with All Saints’ Church, where our children visit regularly for worship as well as a for half termly Curriculum in Church sessions.
Reverend Alex and Church leaders Darren Brooker and Dawn Kerridge are members of the School’s Governing Body and provide theological insight and support to staff, families and pupils. The strong partnership between staff, Governors and All Saints' Church ensure the school's vision to Shine as Lights in the World, is a living reality for the whole community.
Collective Worship is held each day. We are proud of our weekly Collective Worship programme that includes; Class-based worship, Values Education, Bible and scripture teachings, Open the Book, Celebrations and weekly Church Worship. Our pupils love interacting during worship through singing, drama, delivering readings and leading prayers.
Our popular, weekly 'Shine Together' services are held each Thursday at All Saints' Church when families and friends join the school for Collective Worship in Church. We value this community time where pupils and families worship together. Rev Alex and a brilliant team from All Saints' Church, liaise with the school each week to lead uplifting, child centered worship where pupil voice is valued and we learn about the Christian Calendar, observe Holy days and reflect on local, national and global events.
We consider the academic teaching and learning of religions to be one of the core subjects within our curriculum and adhere to the National Society’s Statement of Entitlement for RE which can be read below:
Click to read the National Society Statement for RE
Our RE curriculum is based on the Bedfordshire Agreed Syllabus for RE and the units taught are as follows. Additionally, we have a rolling programme for Christian Concepts weeks.
Click to look at the way RE is taught
Click here to read our Policy on Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development
Click here to read our SPIRITUALITY Policy
Religious Education teaching and learning programmes of study
Planning is created using the Bedfordshire Agreed Syllabus 2024, Understanding Christianity and EYFS Puddles Resources
Early Years RE programme
Christianity + at least two religions
Autumn 1 |
Understanding Christianity: Creation Why is the world so important to Christians? A Wet and Windy Harvest for Puddles |
Autumn 2 |
Understanding Christianity: Incarnation Why do Christians perform nativity plays at Christmas? Puddles and the Christmas Play |
Spring 1 |
Being Special: where do we belong? Puddles lends a paw |
Spring 2 |
Understanding Christianity: Salvation Why do Christians put a cross in an Easter garden? Puddles and the Happy Easter Day |
Summer 1 |
Which places are specially valued and why? A Wedding Day Wish for Puddles |
Summer 2 |
Which stories are specially valued and why? Puddles and the Christening Splash |
Key Stage One RE Rolling Programme
Christians, Jewish people and non- religious people
Term |
Autumn 1 |
11: Who is an inspiring person? What stories inspire Christian and Jewish people? Christians, Jewish people |
3: Who is Jewish? What do they believe and how do they live? Jewish people |
Autumn 2 |
Understanding Christianity: God What do Christians believe God is like? |
Understanding Christianity: Incarnation Why does Christmas matter to Christians? |
Spring |
6: What makes some places significant? What makes some places sacred to believers? Christian, Jewish people, non-religious people Visit to Church and Synagogue |
Understanding Christianity: Salvation Why does Easter matter to Christians?
Summer 1 |
8: What can we learn from sacred books and stories? Christian, Jewish people |
Understanding Christianity: Creation Who made the world?
Summer 2 |
Understanding Christianity: Gospel What is the good news that Jesus brings? |
9: How do we show care for others? Why does it matter? 10: How do we show we care for the Earth? Why does it matter? Christian, Jewish people, non-religious people |
Lower Key Stage Two RE Rolling Programme
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jewish people and non-religious people
Term |
Autumn 1 |
L2.2: Why do some people think life is a journey? How and why do people mark the significant events of life? Christians, Hindus, Muslims, non-religious people |
L2.12: How and why do people try to make the world a better place? Christians, Muslims, Sikhs, non-religious people. |
Autumn 2 |
Understanding Christianity: God What is the Trinity?
Understanding Christianity: Creation/Fall What do Christians learn from the Creation story? |
Spring |
L2.11: What are the deeper meanings of the festivals? Christians, Muslims, Jewish people, Sikhs and non-religious people |
Understanding Christianity: Salvation Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? |
Summer 1 |
Understanding Christianity: People of God What is it like to follow God? |
Understanding Christianity: Kingdom of God When Jesus left, what was the impact of Pentecost? |
Summer 2 |
Understanding Christianity: Gospel What kind of world did Jesus want? |
L2.1: Where, how and why do people worship?
Muslims, Jewish people, Christians. Multi faiths tour |
Upper Key Stage Two RE Rolling Programme
Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Jews and non-religious people
Term |
Autumn 1 |
U2.3: Values: what matters most to Humanists and Christians? Christians and non-religious people, with opportunities to include other faiths studied U2.11: Why do some people believe in God and some people not? Christians, Muslims, non-religious people |
U2.4: How and why do some people inspire others? Examples from religions Hindus, Sikhs, Jewish people, Muslims U2.8: How is faith expressed in Islam? Muslims |
Autumn 2 |
Understanding Christianity: God What does it mean if God is holy and loving? |
Understanding Christianity: Creation/Fall Creation and science: conflicting or complementary? |
Spring |
U2.10: What will make our community a more respectful place? Religious and non-religious ideas |
Understanding Christianity: Salvation Either: What did Jesus do to save human beings? [Y5] Or: What difference does the Resurrection make for Christians? [Y6] |
Summer 1 |
Understanding Christianity: People of God How can following God bring freedom and justice? |
U2.13: What are the main ways being Jewish makes a difference to people’s lives in Britain today? Jewish people |
Summer 2 |
Understanding Christianity: Gospel What would Jesus do? |
U2.12: How does faith enable resilience? Christians, Muslims and / or Jews and / or Hindus, nonreligious people |
As a Church School we have regular Church school inspection in addition to OFSTED inspection. This is completed under the SIAMS framework, which stands for ‘Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools’. The main aim of these inspections is to evaluate the distinctiveness and effectiveness of our school as a Church School. You can read our most recent inspection report as well as our own self-evaluation:
Link to SIAMS self-evaluation 2023
Link to SIAMS Inspection report
Sutton VA Lower School Vision Document
In May 2013 we were delighted to be awarded the RE Quality Mark at GOLD level! This Quality mark is given to schools that embed outstanding, creative and innovative RE practice within their school and recognises their support and sharing of good practice beyond.
Click to see the RE QM certificate
To find out more about the learning, experiences and opportunities that our school provides, please browse through our website and enjoy the ‘Class News’ sections.